During the forthcoming Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2013 a student paper competition will be held. It is a remarkable opportunity for young researchers in urban remote sensing to show their work in this unique venue and be recognized for their value.
Any student willing to propose a paper for consideration under this competition is required:
- to submit a paper before the October 15 deadline via the web interface, indicating that he/she is willing to participate in the student competition. The paper must have the name of the student as first author;
- to submit the full paper and an electronic copy of a certificate showing his/her student status (either undergraduate or graduate) by the deadline of Final Full Paper;
- to present the paper at the conference, if the paper is accepted and included in the Student Prize Session.
Student papers will be evaluated and ten selected students will receive free registration for the conference as well as a sum of €500
to cover living expenses during the event, thanks to the sponsorship of the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). GEO is particularly sponsoring students coming from developing countries. The ten selected students will be able to provide a presentation during the conference and among them the three best papers will be rewarded.
Student papers which are accepted after the review process, but not selected for the student competition will be considered as regular contributions for the URBAN or URS track.