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Student Papers

The Student Forum at LADC welcomes fresh and exciting ideas from students working in the field of dependable and secure computing. The Forum is a great opportunity for students to present and receive early feedback on their research objectives, methods, and preliminary results.

Important Dates

Submission: February 14, 2011 (extended)
Notification: March 1, 2011
Camera-ready: March 18, 2011

Submission Guidelines

Student papers should be single-authored, no longer than 4 pages in length, and formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society two-column camera-ready format.

Students should submit papers as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file through JEMS: https://submissoes.sbc.org.br

Accepted papers will be published in the supplemental volume of the LADC 2011 proceedings. If accepted, the student is committing to present the paper at the conference.

Comments and questions should be directed to the Student Forum Chair: Raul Barbosa rbarbosa@dei.uc.pt.

Student Forum Program Committee

Raul Barbosa (U. Coimbra, PT)
Raul Ceretta Nunes (U.F. Santa Maria, BR)
Luigi Romano (U. Napoli "Parthenope", IT)
Taisy Silva Weber (U.F. Rio Grande do Sul, BR)
Ulrich Schmid (T.U. Vienna, AT)