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Teses e Dissertações Trabalhos de Graduação
e Iniciação Científica

Martins, E.; Araújo, M.R.; Ambrosio, A.M - “A Framework for developing a software-based fault injection tool for the test of communication systems”, Symposium – Proc. ISACC- Monterrey, Mexico, 1996.

Martins, E.; Sabião, S.B.; Ambrosio, A.M. - ConData: a Tool for Automating Specification-based Test Case Generation for Communication Systems – Software Quality Journal, Vol. 8, No.4, 303-319, edited by Anna Liu and Paddy Nixon - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

Ambrosio, AM - Systematic Test Case Generation for Concurrent FSMs – In: Supplemental Volume of the 2003 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks –Edited by: IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA USA – p. A-46-A-48. DSN2003 June 2003 - San Francisco – USA. (ISBN- 0-7695-1952-0).

Martins, E.; Ambrosio, AM.; Mattiello-Francisco, M.F. - ATIFS: a testing toolset with software fault injection - Proceedings of York Computer Science Yellow Report 2003 - Workshop SofTest: UK Testing Research II - Department of Computer Science at York, UK,  4-5 September 2003. - Download

E.; Mattiello-Francisco, M.F. A Tool for Fault Injection and Conformance Testing of Distributed Systems. In: Latin-American Dependable Computing Symposim, 1., São Paulo, Brasil, october 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, p. 282-302, 2003b.

Ambrosio, A M.; Martins,E ; Mattiello-Francisco, MF; Silva, C.S.; Vijaykumar, N.L. “On the use of test standardzation in communication space applications” – In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Space Mission Operations - SPACEOPS 2004– Montreal, Canadá, Publisher: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), May 2004.In: www.spaceops2004.org. In CD (ISBN 1-56347-708-4). - Download

Martins,E ; Guimarães, D.C.; Ambrosio, A M.; “STER: A Strategy for Testing Reactive Systems” – In DSN2004 Conference Proceedings as Fast Abstract.Edited by: IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA USA . In: 28 de junho a 1 de julho de 2004.

Ambrosio, A.M.; Martins, E.; Vijaykumar, N.L.; Carvalho, S.V. Systematic Generation of Test and Fault Cases for Space Application Validation. DASIA, May 2005. Eidinburg, Escócia. - Download

Ambrosio, A.M.; Martins, E.; Santiago, V; Mattiello-Francisco, MF; Vijaykumar, N.L.; Carvalho, S.V. A methodology for designing fault injection experiments as an addition to communication systems conformance testing Workshop on dependable software – tools and methods (DSN2005). June 2005, Japan. Proceedings edited by: IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA USA.

Ambrosio, A. M.; Martins, E.; Vijaykumar, N.L.; de Carvalho, S.V. A Conformance Testing Process for Space Applications Software Services. JACIC - Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication. AIAA. aceito em Janeiro de 2006. A ser publicado.