- P01 - Correlation of changes in mental states and configuration of neuronal networks: from connexin gene expression to Shannon entropy
Alexandre Hiroaki Kihara
Universidade Federal do ABC
- P02 - Computational neuroscience research in the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto
Antonio C. Roque
FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo
- P03 - On the transport of particles by molecular motors – some phenomenological aspects
Carla Goldman
Universidade de São Paulo
- P04 - Nonlinear instabilities of ame propagation in channels
Domingos H. U. Marchetti
Universidade de São Paulo
- P05 - Controlling Collective Behavior
Elbert E N Macau
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE
- P06 - Low-energy control of electrical turbulence in the heart
Flavio H. Fenton
Georgia Institute of Technology
- P-07 - Shearless Transport Barriers in Tokamaks
Francisco A. Marcus
Universidade de São Paulo
- P08 - Determining the critical coupling of explosive synchronization transitions in scale-free networks by mean-field approximations
Francisco A Rodrigues
Universidade de São Paulo
- P09 - Feedbacks between vegetation and climate
Gilvan Sampaio
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE
- P10 - Complex networks to represent and characterize climate
Guillermo Obregon
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE
- P11 - Transport Barriers in Symplectic Maps
Iberê Luiz Caldas
Universidade de São Paulo
- P12 - Network of Network and the Climate System
Jürgen Kurths
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - PIK
- P13 - Statistical Analysis of extreme events in long-time series from Amazon basin
Lincoln Muniz Alves
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE
- P14 - Improvements of land-surface models to account for fire-climate feedbacks in the Amazon region
Manoel Ferreira Cardoso
- P15 - Network-Based Dynamic Semi-Supervised Learning
Marcos G. Quiles
Universidade Federal de São Paulo
- P16 - Averaging perturbations in foliated diffusions
Paulo Ruffino
- P17 - Neurobiofísica no IFSC-USP
Reynaldo D. Pinto
Universidade de São Paulo
- P18 - Real Time Vision
Roland Koberle
Universidade de São Paulo
- P19 - Parenclitic networks reveal key genes regulating the response of Arabidopsis thaliana to osmotic stress
Stefano Boccaletti
Institute for Complex Systems (ISR)
- P20 - Linking Structure and Dynamics through Complex Networks
Luciano da F. Costa
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