Topics for Papers
The main topics of this symposium are:
- Computer Assisted Teaching
- International Cooperation and Technology
- Internet Resources and Distance
The subtopics are:
- Changes in geomatics curricula of universities;
- Postgraduate opportunities in photogrammetry,
remote sensing and GIS;
- Role of regional training centers in capacity
building in geomatics;
- Possibilities for financing of education in
international and regional organisations;
- Bibliographic and technical databases;
- Computer assisted teaching and learning in
modern education and training for remote sensing, photogrammetry and GIS;
- Development, assessment and evaluation of interactive
multimedia materials for remote sensing, photogrammetry and GIS;
- Pedagogical transformations of tertiary level
curricula for remote sensing, photogrammetry and GIS;
- Distance learning and remote presence for remote
sensing, photogrammetry and GIS courses;
- Promotion and Marketing of the Geomatics profession;
- Knowledge Transfer and Improvement of Transfer
Infrastructure in the Developing World;
- Collaborations between the Developed and Developing
- Possibilities and examples of international
cooperation for education, capacity building, projects and research in photogrammetry,
remote sensing and GIS;
- Accreditation & Certification in distance
- Potentials of Internet based education;
- Metadata;
- Opportunities in research in Internet resources
and distance learning;
- Sources of spatial data and its accessibility
through Internet Map server applications.