INPE - 1999
CBERS-1 and SACI-1 are launched by a Chinese rocket, from Taiyuan Base, China. Through the partnership that resulted on CBERS-1, China and Brazil began to know the cycle of specification, development, manufacture, integration, testing, launch, and operations of medium resolution optical earth observation satellites. SACI-1 failed and SACI-2 is lost during the launch.
Launch of the first CBERS-1 satellite.
- First fake lightning made on southern hemisphere
The First Brazilian Infrared Camera (Cam IV) starts to work for astronomical use.
Testing Bank of Altitude Simulation (BTSA) for mono and bipropellant satellite thrusters and Propellants Analysis Laboratory (LANAP) were inaugurated.
Aspirin turns 100 years old.
• The Millennium Bug does not happen.