INPE - 1985
Inpe leaves CNPq and becomes a Science and Technology Ministry (MCT) subordinate.
The Ozone Laboratory is created to study the distribution of this gas in the atmosphere and the gases linked to global warming.
INPE provides the 1st International Course on remote Sensing.
ELAT (Atmospheric Electricity Group) is created to study lightning in Brazil.
The Global Troposphere Experiment in Atmospheric Boundary Layer over the Amazon (GTE/ABLE) is performed with NASA collaboration, and other national and foreign organizations. This experiment continued the Brazilian collaboration with NASA on Space Science studies, which had started in 60s.
Brazilian Coordination of Amazon Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE) of Global Troposphere Experiment (GTE), collaboration between NASA and INPE.
Brazilian and American participants of the Global Troposphere experiments, in the Amazon - GTE/ABLE (INPE/NASA Cooperation).
First results of the Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) are released. These results involve a Brazilian Antenna (Itapetininga Observatory, Atibaia, SP) and other one in United States (Haystack, Ma, USA) to observe an intense radiation source (Quasar) at a great distance from solar system.
Brazil participates in a worldwide network of radiotelescopes to trace a probe launched on Venus atmosphere by a Russian spacecraft. These experiments were one of the firsts to track a space probe in deep surface using Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques (
Project dedicated to study electrostatic propulsion and develop ion thrusters (PION) for satellite secondary propulsion started.
PMAG Project begins building a little experiment that would made plasma with reverse field, operated until 1997. The goal of this project was to study physics related to magnetic confinement of plasma, as well as developing diagnostic techniques suitable for high temperature plasma.
• For the first time, British Antarctic Survey scientists announced the discovery of a hole in
ozone layer over Antarctica, caused by chemical compounds of chlorine, fluorine and carbon used in aerosols and refrigeration industry.
• Science identifies HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), which has killed an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide.
Ozone layer.