INPE - 1983
Participation in the Amazon Regional Micrometeorological Experiemnt, first scientific experiment due collaboration between INPE and British Groups
The Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR) activities are initiated, and it gets the active and permanent participation of scientists and technicians from INPE. INPE develops geophysics, upper atmosphere physics, meteorology, climate and oceanography research in Antarctica.
INPE launches Interactive System for Image Processing (SITIM) and transferred the manufacturing rights to the industry.
Interactive Image Processing System (Sistema Interativo de Tratamento de Imagens - Sitim).
IME Project (Ionospheric Modification Experiment) that measures ionosphere by rockets, similar to BIME experiment performed in Brazil, but launched on Wallops Rocket Launching Facility in Maryland, USA.
Development of catalysts for hydrazine decomposition, used in satellite propulsion.
First global observation of solitons in plasmas with negative ions into PQUI machine (Quiescent Plasma).
PION Project begins dedicated to developing ion thrusters for secondary satellite propulsion.
Given the Ministry of Mines and Energy interest in thermonuclear fusion is initiated PRAD project, aimed at developing a 32 GHz girotron for use in plasma heating by radio.
UN elects 1983 as the International Year of
Year of Telecommunication.