INPE - 1968
TELA Project for balloons telemetry, rockets and satellites.
From 1968 to 1970, space and atmospheric sciences activities have leaped forward due to arrival of 20 Indian researchers.
With 400 m², containing two large rooms and an amphitheater capable to accommodate 80 people, for CNAE Masters courses.
In 1968, due to PORVIR Project, INPE initiates post-graduate courses such as Atmospheric and Space Science, Electronics and Communications, and System Engineering. The bases of INPE’s main areas have been started: Space Science, Remote Sensing and Meteorology.
The project SACI (Advanced Satellite of Interdisciplinary Communications) is proposed. The project included to engineer a telecommunication satellite for educational applications. Although the idea of building a satellite has proved impossible at the time, its applicability was demonstrated through a distance educational program in 1973-1975 periods. The U.S. satellite ATS-6 was used in this program, 30 minutes daily between March and May 1975.
Project SACI.
Apollo 8 launch, which was the first manned spacecraft into lunar orbit. Although the
astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell e William Anders did not landed on the lunar surface, on Christmas Eve of 1968 they were the first men to circumnavigate the Moon, sending unpublished photos of the lunar soil. In addition, they were the first humans to leave Earth orbit.
Astronauts Frank Borman, William Anders e James Lovell from Apollo 8.
Source: Programa Espacial