INPE - 1961
Just after decorating Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who visited Brazil in July 1961, President at that time Jānio Quadros appointed a group to organize the space activities in Brazil. The GOCNAE (National Commission Organization Group of Space Activities) used to work in the areas of astronomy, optical satellite tracking and communications by satellites. So, it would be the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) embryo. It was August 3, 1961.
Brazilian President Jānio Quadros decorates Soviet cosmonaut Yśri A. Gagarin.
Soviets sent the first man into space.
Yuri Gagarin made a 48-minute orbital flight aboard Vostok I spacecraft and said:
"The Earth is Blue".
'Huntsville Times' newspaper cover in April 12, 1961, reporting Yuri Gagarin journey through space. He was chosen due to his excellent performance training and testing, also to his short stature (1.57 m) and its peasant origin. (Photo:
Source: Instituto Ciźncia Hoje