INPE - 2011
Production of the first future global climate scenario, in collaboration with British Hadley Center, to be supplied to IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (to be completed in June 2011.
Brazilian Model of the Global Climate System test phase starts. It was a world-class climate model.
Organization of the first International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE) held in Southern Hemisphere.
INPE participates in “Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Hydroelectric Reservoirs Project”, along with COPPE, CEPEL, UFPA, UFJF, and others.
The remote observation network of Transient Luminous Events starts to work.
Acquisition of the first fast camera to observe Transient Luminous Events (DEELUMINOS/FAPESP project). Transient Luminous Events (ELTs) are large-scale phenomena in the middle and upper atmosphere, resulting from the electrical activity of underlying storm clouds, and represent a new electrodynamics coupling of atmospheric layers mechanism, including ionosphere.
First numerical model for ionospheric total electron content (CET) in Latin America. The CET is used to do corrections of ionospheric effects on positions measures provided by GPS. Project participants: INPE and University of Sheffield, UK.
• There is a chance to announce a new kilogram definition, based on universal constants, which will be announced during the 24th General Conference on Weights and Measures.
Wikipedia turns 10 years old.
• After 18 years, the moon arrives at perigee, its closest point to Earth; the last time this happened was in March 1993.